Future and Past Activities
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Performance at the Line Upon Line Winter Composer's Festival in Austin Texas, January 6th, 2023
'Tanooki Suit' is released on podcasting platforms - Podcast by Christina Gonzalez Ho, Sound Design by Brandon Lincoln Snyder - November 17th, 2022
World Premiere of 'Clack' (percussion solo for stone and laptop) by Tom Goemare at IDKF, Württembergische Kunstverein, Stuttgart - November 8th, 2022
USA Premiere of 'brrrr' for snare drum and delay pedal by Adriana Harrison at the NYU IRCAM Forum - October 1st, 2022
Began teaching position at the New York Public Library in their TechConnect Technology Training Program. Take free online and in-person classes from me and others in music, podcasting, coding, web development, graphic design, office skills, and more at September 26th 2022.
World Premiere of 'Fernbeziehung' (Long Distance Relationship) for quartet and electronics by Alex Waite (p), Malin Bang (vln), Clémence Martel (sop.), and Lorenz Lehman (elec.), on September 7th 2022. Part of a celebration of the legacy of Johannes Kepler.